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Don’t you start a fight but you better finish it! If they hit you, you hit them back! Don’t be scared fight, back! Do these statements sound familiar? Did anyone ever tell you something to do like this? Have you ever said similar statements to your child? In I Told My Kid To Fight Back: Examining Generational Differences Between Bullying Yesterday and Today will examine how the traditional go to solution “fight back” used in previous generations will just not suffice in today’s day and time. You will read real-life bullying stories from all ages and how they dealt with it according to generational standards. Due to changes in culture and new technology bullying is more complicated than ever before. After reading this book, hopefully you will be able to understand the generational differences in bullying and see how to best assist your child with solutions on these issues. In this book we will examine: • Bullying types and methods. • How Social Media affects bullying. • Evaluating whether your child is prepared to fight back or not. • Aftermath of bullying. • Possible ways parents and other youth serving adults can contribute to bullying. • Bonus materials to assist in dealing with bulling.

I Told My Kid To Fight Back Paper Back

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